IYS Country Chapter

International Youth Summit has started execution of the development step through setting up country chapter in different countries.

The country chapter operations are headed with physical training and conferences in each country to reach all the IYS officials and participants.

We are waiting for the world getting better for next physical programs and training for the officials in countries operated by the country chapter team.

We cordially appreciate all the officials joined International Youth Summit since 2015 till the date for taking the responsibilities for the country chapter.   


International Youth Summit (IYS) has representatives from 85+ countries. IYS now opening Country Chapter Unit in potential countries under the leadership of the Country Director/s and her/his team. The formation will be as follow:

The Country Chapter Team

1. Country Chapter Advisor/s: There will be CC Trainers and Mentors to support the CC officials and they will be named as CC Advisors. They will supervise the operation of the Country Chapter and can recruit new members as officials when any official fail to perform their responsibilities accordingly.

2. Country Director (CD): Up to 04  positions from each country under CC Units (three years contract under IYS, all voluntary with service benefits). CD/s should start forming her/his team within 14 days of joining and must complete the whole team within 180 days of the initial appointment to received final confirmation of the service contract.

3. Country Chapter Secretary General (CCGS): One position from each CC Unit (One year contract under IYS, all voluntary with service benefits). Will support the CD for running the operation.

4. Country Chapter Organizing Secretary (CCOS): One position from each CC Unit (One year contract under IYS, all voluntary with service benefits). Will support CCGS for running the CC effectively. 

5. Deputy Country Director (DCD): Total 09 nos. under each Country Director per unit (One year contract under IYS, all voluntary with service benefits).

6. Assistant Country Director (ACD): Total 81 nos. 9 ACD under each DCD (One year contract under IYS, all voluntary with service benefits).

7. County Manager (CM): Minimum 09 CM under each ACD (One year contract under IYS, all voluntary with service benefits). CM will select and recruit All Time Active (ATA) minimum 9 nos. IYS Campus Ambassador (CA).

8. Campus Ambassador (CA): Based on the student population, faculty, department, subject, academic years of any assigned college/university, the CM will recruit minimum 9 CA for nine skills area. See details later.

9. Deputy Campus Ambassador (DCA): The selected CA should have 9 DCA under them within 10 days of the joining under the given skill sets.

For successful completion of each stage, Advisors, CD, GS, OS, DCD, ACD, CM, CA and DCA will receive "Appreciation Certificate" and special bonus gift from IYS. 

When for any reason any IYS official is not active in any stage, Mentor/ Trainer/ CD/ CCGS/ CCOS can replace them and recruit new all time active (ATA) IYS officials for the CC unit. If CD, DCD, ACD, CM miss to achieve their targets for IYS CC Membership, he/she will not get full benefits as stated in their contract. They will get the benefits as per their achieved targets. 

IYS is not a charitable platform for skills development and don’t depend on donations from the people or other organization to keep the platform running for providing the skills to the youth. IYS experience that when a youth is committed to invest on themselves for learning skills, they engage more effectively in learning process. FREE events much not valued by the participants and not create a long term sustainable transformation.


Contribution received against the membership fees allow IYS to organize more events both physical and online every year for the members and others. IYS do partnership with other organizations for supports and works effectively for the betterment of the youth round the world.

The benefits of the memberships are 100 times more valuable and greater than the membership fee paid by the members. Members who complete successfully their membership year/s with minimum 20 certificates can get one year working experience letter from WSDA-IYS which will help them achieve a decent job and it’s proven already.

Registration of Membership with IYS

All the CC officials and members of the IYS Country Chapter Unit first must complete their official registration of membership by paying the annual membership fee of USD 35.00 for the first year (for online materials and membership certificates) or USD 55.00 (for printed materials, membership certificate and welcome kit by post) to become the registered member and official of IYS Country Chapter Unit.

Without becoming a registered member, no one can play the role of an official at any stage.

Registration Fee usually increase from every June and December month of a given year.

After first time registration, official can renew their registration with IYS every year to able the benefits provided by the IYS by paying only USD 5.00 (if not changed by the IYS Secretariat).

IYS is the only youth platform that totally focuses on skills development for achieving the SDG by 2030.

7-Top benefits to becoming a registered members

1. Membership Certificate with the Country Chapter Unit

2. Membership Card (valid for 5 years with renewal fee for benefits)

3. IYS Membership Manual and Personal Growth Workbook, value USD 37.00

4. USD75.00 gift voucher to join IYS2024 in Thailand or to join Tomorrow’s CEO training program

5. Gift voucher for joining IYS National or International Youth Camp or Exchange Program in home countries or abroad (need to attend minimum 15 events and achieve 10 certificates to get the gift voucher).

6. Opportunity to join or attend 12+ online training sessions to claim attendance certificates.

7. After completion of the one membership year with minimum 10 events certificate to claim the ONE YEAR VOLUNTARY WORK EXPERIENCE certificate & recommendation letter, which will be very useful for higher study scholarship or visa application or for job application world-wide. 

Want to OPEN a COUNTRY CHAPTER in your country?

Contact us by email (countrychapter@internationalyouthsummit.com) or whatsapp (+880 1323 577 830); send your details for opening a country chapter in your country. IYS team will reply you ASAP. It's a great opportunity to expose yourself in international arena. To become a Country Director you need to pay the country chapter operation fee USD 5,750 and need to attend training session in New Zealand or Bangladesh or Malaysia or Thailand (IYS will cover your 5 nights hotel, 2 meals per day and training cost. Air Ticket and Visa cost need to pay by the candidate.)  

Become IYS Country Director and receive invitation to Visit New Zealand or Bangladesh or Malaysia or Thailand to attend Exclusive Country Chapter Leadership Training & Mentoring Session*

*TC Apply